Fit Storm Does your step app think you’re in a coma? Has your exercise regime sunk without trace? It’s not just the garden fence that’s under threat with...
The Ups & Downs of Step Apps – Spa Therapy Fitness Tips Don’t let your fitness app fool you about your activity levels
Spa Therapy Tips on Camper Cures One of summers (sometimes soggy) joys is the wide variety of open air festivals on offer. Zen Ten Spa is attending many of them to alleviate...
Woodland Wellbeing- How Trees Heal Trees are a crucial part of the world’s healing cycle and time in forests and woods is vital to support our physical and mental wellbeing ...
Ugly Truth about Beauty & Wellbeing Plastics The beauty and wellness industry has been invaded by plastics and whilst they were seen as a breakthrough on invention, it is clear they are now...
Psychological Stomach Pain If all physical causes have been ruled out for stomach pain, then it’s likely the cause is psychogenic. This means something we have suffered or...
Spring Insomnia 3 Spa Therapy Cures Rising temperatures and lighter nights can conspire to make Spring a time of insomnia suffering for around 30 per cent of us. If you or a friend...
Reproductive Dysfunction Not Always Physical – Spa Therapy Finds Government studies suggest that up to 15% of couples suffer fertility issues. Medically, infertility is defined as failure to fall pregnant within...
Lower Back Pain Not Always Physical- Spa Therapy Finds Up to 40% of us will suffer lower back pain at some point in our lives. This ranges from a dull ache in the lower spine area to excruciating pain...
Spa Therapy for Teachers Surveys suggest teaching professionals fall prey to infection and illness during a staggering 40% of their scheduled time off! Do the stress...
Zen Spa Therapies backed by Government A major government report has found the therapies offered by Zen Ten Spa will improve the health of the nation and save the NHS from financial...