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Staff at Christmas- 5 Psychological Secrets

Choosing staff benefits at Christmas can be a corporate nightmare with the economic, team dynamic and customer relations fall-out still reverberating weeks after the decorations are back in the store room.
The traditional “Christmas Box” is more like a Pandora’s Box and research shows that 90 % of companies have failed festively ** and are now developing a phobia to the task.
Number 1 **
The Christmas Bonus- salary enhancement in December/ January is a well-known way to reward staff for a year of commitment, but the extra pay is often expected and even pre-spent by staff** whose appreciation of the gesture is lowered and not commensurate with the cost to the company.
Number 2**
The Gift- to ensure parity, companies giving wrapped gifts usually buy en-masse a uniform set of gender/ age specific gifts. The impersonal nature of this offering means staff rarely feel rewarded by the gesture and a staggering 30 % of expensive items** are left on the premises or “lost” on the journey home.
Number 3**
The Perfect Personalised Present- smaller organisations or those with a gifted CEO’s PA invest significant time and not insignificant money in sourcing individualised gifts for staff. Whilst this practise is the most appreciated with 28% giving it the highest feedback ranking**, the time and money is still not commensurate with staff satisfaction.
Number 4**
Spending the Money on a Party- The choice to pool funds to sponsor a free bar or subsidise a night out is often thought to be the most popular choice and has the air of a grass roots event because the extroverts in a team who have promoted the idea will also offer to organise it. This means the corporate Christmas is hijacked from the 40+% of staff** who are statistically likely to have the introvert’s aversion to parties and leave difficult domestic arrangements for the remaining 50% who are time-poor in the run up to Christmas.
Number 5** The Wise Choice
With this knowledge, it doesn’t take three wise men to predict that an experiential bonus within working hours, on the premises and with the choice of experience left to the individual member of staff is the winner.
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