5 Winning Diet Kickstarts

Quick results give us a sense of achievement and mean we are more likely to continue to act on good intentions and stick with a diet until the desired weight or body shape is achieved. Zen Ten Spa’s top 3 diet kickstarts make excellent health sense anyway so are good habits to adopt whether or not you are considering a weight loss programme.


Here are our top 3 diet kickstarts and why they work:

  1. Double your water intake.

Or if you know you don’t drink enough – triple it. Unless you have a health condition which prevents it, drinking up to 6 pints of water a day is a good idea. You may struggle to fit in any other liquids on a daily basis, but that too is good for you because caffeine, carbonated drinks, alcohol and other calorific drinks will ruin your diet for a whole host of other reasons. Water is so good for us because it enables the body to flush out toxin build-ups, it aids digestion so that the foods we do eat are processed efficiently instead of leaving our insides to resemble a dried up cement mixer. And best of all, drinking a pint of water 30 mins before a meal or at any time you crave a snack will fill the stomach, reducing hunger and the temptation to over eat.

  1. Start with Smoothies

If you’re not already a smoothie convert, it’s a must to replace breakfast. A banana-based smoothie made with 1 ( or even 2 bananas if you’re a mid-morning snacker) will see you through until lunchtime. A handful of berries (fresh or frozen), soya or almond milk and natural yoghurt for fruit lovers or kale, cucumbers, celery, carrots and ginger as a veg-based alternative gives slow release energy, is nourishing and easy to transport on the go. Using frozen ingredients and a quick blitz in a blender means the whole thing is ready in seconds. If you don’t have the kit its worth bearing in mind that a good, basic blender costs less than 1 bottle of house wine and makes your halo gleam a lot brighter!

  1. Steer clear of Carbs.

Especially in the first days of a diet, cut out all carbs. If you find you are craving, bread, pasta or pastries, substitute a rice cake instead. You’ll soon get so tired of those that you’ll rethink your menus to pop a filling in the centre of an avocado instead of sandwiches and put extra veg and protein on a plate- the carb section is not a legal requirement!




Here at Zen Ten Spa we’ve found these 3 diet tips to be consistent winners in giving our clients the kickstart they need for dieting and that encouraging sense of achievement which helps see you through to your goals.


Zen Ten Spa provides a wealth of health and wellbeing development packages and complementary therapies to support you into the best shape you’ve ever been in. Call us now on 07709 101010.

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